Monday, October 5, 2009

Little Inspiration

Today is about a little inspiration. We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how. Here’s what I say: You have two paths you can take. You can be down about school, work, life, friends and complain all day about it. Or you can enjoy your life and appreciate the moments you have because life goes fast. Whether it’s enjoying video games, movies, music, friends, family, vacations, just enjoy every little bit.

Stop complaining and being down about things you have no control over. It’s drawing negative energy around you and projecting that to the world. If you are complaining or saying I can’t, then that’s all that’s going to happen to you. It’s not going to happen.

For example, if you wake up in the morning and say “today is going be a boring day”, “I don’t feel good”, or “I don’t like school”, then the day isn’t going to like you either. Sorry, that’s the way it works. Stop drawing negative energy. Did you know it takes the same amount of time to say something positive then to say something negative? Well think about it. Today is going to be a great day. Today is going to bad day.

Make today great. Try this once. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, look in the mirror and say, “today is going to be a great day”. Help somebody out. Do a little something extra that you normally wouldn’t do for someone. Keep in mind, No complaining. No negative thoughts for the entire day no matter how bad it is. Find the good in it and comment about the positive side. Try this and see if you have a happy and successful day. Let me know how your day was?

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